Are you interested in publishing your writing in journals and magazines? Have you considered it, but don’t know where to start? Do you wonder if your work is even good enough for publication? Join us at the club’s April meeting when TJ Butler will present How to Publish Your Work in Literary Magazines. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started:
Knowing when your work is ready to submit
Finding and researching journals and magazines in every genre
Writing cover letters
Crafting your author’s bio
Navigating Submittable
Tracking and organizing your submissions
Strategies for submitting
Vocabulary to help you represent yourself like a pro
“Literary Twitter”
Participants will receive a reference guide with space for notes and a list of almost 300 journals, and there will be ample time for Q&A.
Attend with a pen and paper or the reference guide you’ll receive prior to the workshop. You’ll leave with the tools necessary to begin submitting your work to journals and magazines ranging from approachable to top-tier. This workshop is perfect for writers of all skill levels.
Upcoming Meetings
May 15 – Social Media for Authors
June 19 – TBD