Members, please review the meeting minutes from April.


Northern Virginia Writers Club

April 2022 Meeting Agenda

4/23/22         1:00 PM

    1. Call to order
      1. by Michelle McBeth, President.
    2. Roll call
      1. Writers attending onsite included: Kevin Connor, Jason Maddux, Lori Eaton, Michelle McBeth, AJ George, Darius Jones, Traci Carter, and Paula T Weiss. Online members: Dennis Findley, Loretta Ewell, William Vitucci, Tom Crepeau, Dorothy Spruzen, James Kendley, Solveig Eggerz
      2. Guests: Scott and Josie Ellis:
      3. Triumphs and failures.
        1. Darius joins SFWA and HWA thanks to “The Hatchlings” short story.
        2. Dennis has signed contract to self-publish his memoirs.
    3. Approval of minutes from last meeting
      1. Last month’s meeting minutes approved by acclamation (voice vote).
    4. Officer’s Reports
      1. President (McBeth)
        1. Upcoming meeting topics
          1. May 14: Library event.
            1. Still seeking authors (2) for panel.
            2. J., Vernon – Slated to be on panel.
            3. Gift baskets giveaways possible. (Can’t sell books—but can donate books, so gift box is a good option.)
          2. June 25: Regular meeting.
            1. Robin Sullivan will be guest (speaker on business of writing, manager of Michael J. Sullivan).
        2. Teen Nib: Deadline April 29th
          1. Suggest writing teens you know to go to VA Writers website.
          2. Looking for one more panel members (Dorothy has volunteered).
        3. Golden Nib: Now open
          1. Guidelines on our website. Categories include: fiction, nonfiction, poetry.
          2. No cash rewards at local level, but chance to get your name out there.
        4. Website bios -Submit media.
          1. Send your updated Bios/headshots to NOVA Writers website.
      2. Vice President/ Membership Chair. (Maddux).
        1. Gaithersburg Book Festival.
          1. May 21, 10-6 p.m.
          2. We will have booth. Need volunteers!
          3. Published authors can bring books to sell.
          4. Look for email w/details to come.
        2. Art on the Avenue in Alexandria, VA.
          1. Oct. 1, 2022.
          2. Will also be looking for volunteers!
          3. More details to come via email.
      3. Treasurer. (George)
        1. YTD: About $6,800 in funds on Jan. 1.
        2. Expenses: Internet, PayPal, promotions, etc. Approx.: $500.
        3. Income: Dues collected.
        4. Ending balance: $7,283.
      4. Secretary.
        1. No report.
      5. Social Media Representative (Carter)
        1. Presented DRAFT social media policy for the club for officer review
        2. Live Tweeted this (April 23) meeting for the first time in our history!
    5. Old Business
      1. Upcoming writing resources/contests
        1. SPFBO [Self-publishing fantasy blog off].
          1. Opens May 14
          2. Their website has directions for applying. MUST be: self-published, fantasy novel (50K words or more).
      2. Youth scholarship – Still looking for a volunteer.
        1. Still looking for volunteer for a worthy young writer.
        2. Volunteer would get word out about scholarship, set up application, etc.
      3. NVWC Anthology
        1. Looking for an editor to lead this project.
        2. Email the VP if you have stories, poems, etc. to submit.
        3. AJ: has memberships lists going back 10 years if we need more submissions.
    6. New Business
      1. None at this time.
    7. Speaker -Scott Ellis-Every 4th Reader is Listening-Getting your book into their ears.
      1. Ellis speaks on audio books…
      2. “Let’s Talk with Scott Ellis” is his Podcast.
      3. Overview of “Audiobook Roadmap” they use:
        1. Hire or do yourself (voice and production).
        2. Details on royalties, contracts, auditions, etc. reading rate.
        3. Markets which accept audiobooks: Amazon (ACX), Audible, Apple Books, Scribd, Barnes and Noble all offer audiobooks.
        4. Want more? Drop Scott a line at
    8. Adjournment