Members, please review the following for approval at the May 20th meeting.

Northern Virginia Writers Club

April 2023 Meeting Agenda

4/15/2023 1:00 PM

  1. Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth. 
  2. Roll call.
    1. Names and types of writing (length and genre):
      1. In person: Pres. Michelle McBeth (Sci-Fi, Fantasy), Vice Pres. Jason Maddux (Sci-Fi/YA), AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, poetry), Tina Workman (Romantic Fantasy), Lori Eaton (Hist. Fiction, Mystery), Dennis Finley/Turner Grant (Memoir), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Loise Wren, Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Donna, Jerry (Mystery), Karen (essays), Carolyn Klein (Dark Fantasy, Horror). 
      2. Online: Vee James (Fantasy Comedy, YA Supernatural), David Wessel (Historical Fiction), Miriam Polli (Literary, Hist. Fiction), Paula Weiss (Dystopian Fiction), James, Greg (Military Thriller).  
      3. Guest Speaker: Polly Letofsky. My Word Publishing, Denver, CO.
    2.  Triumphs and failures. 
      1. Darius: 200 rejections. Darius will moderate panel at SFWA Conference in Anaheim, CA. May 13, 1:30 p.m. on “Writing Scripted Sci-Fi/Fantasy Podcasts.” Go in person or register online to watch.   
      2. Dennis: 2 Podcasts appearances recently. Also, an article on w/three quotes from Dennis on suggestions for “good second dates” tied into promotion of his novel. Also, novel got its first Int’l Amazon review (5 stars). He also posted 2 Tik Tok videos to promote it. 
  3. Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. March meeting minutes link sent in newsletter/reminder
      1. Approved! 
      2. Motions to approve: 1st AJ, 2nd Dennis. Passed by voice acclamation.  
  4. Officer’s Reports
    1. President – McBeth 
      1. Upcoming meeting topics
        1. May – Talk on giving interviews, Ralph Peluso. We also plan to discuss potentially increasing dues (see below). 
        2. June – TBD. Probably writing-craft related? 
    2. Vice President/Membership Chair – Maddux 
      1. Applied for Alexandria’s “Art on the Avenue” again this year. 
    3. Treasurer – George 
      1. YTD change in net assets: +$113.62
      2. YTD net assets: $5,592.89
      3. AJ: Perhaps time to raise dues? “Dues have been $30 for the last 15 years.” Book signings a wonderful opportunity, but driving some of these cost increases. 
      4. Donna: Suggestion, have those who do signings pay a small fee. 
      5. McBeth: We can discuss dues increase/related issues in the upcoming May meeting. 
    4. Secretary
      1. No report. 
  5. Old Business
    1. Upcoming writing resources/contests (Lois)
      1. Darius: Horror Writers’ Association’s Poetry Showcase X contest is open to all HWA Members (anyone can join). Horror poetry only. Deadline: May 15. 
    2. Website updates.
      1. None at this time.
    3. Bylaws open for discussion.
      1. AJ: We encourage members to be members of VA state Club, but not required. Also, a procedure to expel a member are part of this update to bylaws. 
      2. Weiss: Two typos in bylaws: “Loudon” county spelling. Completing “President” in text. 
      3. Wording should be changed on “18 and up” to “18 and older” or similar.
    4. Logo design
      1. Pres. McBeth: Might share something next meeting.
  6. New Business
    1. Business from the floor? 
      1. Traci: Two Author Spotlights are ready to go! Looking for a Proofer. Darius and Karen, Caroline volunteer to proof Spotlights.
    2. Golden Nib 2023
      1. Lori: Golden Nib Contest…Deadline is July 15…Lori is managing, NOT judging. Top 3 entries go onto “State” Golden Nib. Entry instructions on website. This is for adult writers of fiction, poetry, non-fiction. 
      2. Jason: Let’s have a good showing! Please get your pieces in! 
  7. Speaker -Polly Letofsky
    1. Walked around world (literally) and unfortunately handed manuscript to a “crooked” publisher. 
    2. Shares her “lessons learned” with group. Top among them: Watch out for signing contracts with “Hybrid/Partner Publishing.”  
    3. Some Watchdog groups to check out:,, Alliance of Independent Authors. 
    4. Learn more at My Words Publishing: 
    5. Questions: Paula W. had bad experience with Kirkus Reviews (factual errors, etc.). 
  8. Adjournment