Tara Campbell will talk on how to write for Social Justice, from 1-3pm, virtually on Zoom. Zoom links are sent to subscribers.

What gives you hope when you look out into the world? What inspires you? Likewise, what angers you, or leads you closer to despair? Writers of all genres can tackle the ongoing battles between power and justice in our communities, nations, or the world as a whole. While events may seem outside our control, writing about them can help crystalize our thinking about what peace and justice mean, and what actually needs to change.


Join DC-based writer and teacher Tara Campbell for a presentation and workshop on strategies for writing about social issues that mean the most to you. After listening to examples of poetry and prose that take on political issues, you’ll write to prompts that will give you time for a deep dive into your thoughts about current events.

Bio: Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse, and graduate of American University’s MFA in Creative Writing. Her publication credits include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Wigleaf, Strange Horizons, CRAFT Literary and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. She’s the author of a novel and four multi-genre collections including her newest, Cabinet of Wrath: A Doll Collection. She teaches writing at venues such as American University, Johns Hopkins University, the Writer’s Center, Catapult, Clarion West, and the National Gallery of Art.