Members, please review for approval at September meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
August 2022 Meeting Minutes
8/2022 1:00 PM
- Call to order by Michelle McBeth, president.
- Roll call
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Michelle McBeth, Darius Jones, James Kendley (paranormal), Tom Crepeau (fantasy), Traci Carter (fantasy), Ricardo Coleman (screenplays/Fan-Fic). Lori Eaton (mystery, etc.).
- Guest: Tara Campbell.
- Triumphs and failures.
- Michelle McBeth: Novel accepted to Self-Published Science Fiction Contest (#SPSFC).
- Darius Jones: “Go Ask Alice” Horror Flash to be published in Carmina Magazine.
- James Kendley: Paranormal Thriller Novella…will be published as e-book on Amazon soon.
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Approval of minutes from June meeting
- Minutes link was sent out with reminder email
- Minutes approved by voice acclamation.
- Minutes link was sent out with reminder email
- Officer’s Reports
- President
- Upcoming meeting topics
- Sept 17th – Art Taylor-Making the Scene (how to make scenes and show, not tell).
- Virtual meeting.
- October 22nd, noon.
- 15th Anniversary party!
- In person, at winery
- Evite will go out in September
- Nov 19
- NaNoWriMo write-in. Come ready to write!
- Live, in-person at Faith Lutheran Church.
- Dec 17.
- Holiday gathering.
- Sept 17th – Art Taylor-Making the Scene (how to make scenes and show, not tell).
- Upcoming meeting topics
- Vice President/Membership Chair (absent this meeting, but sent updates)
- Art on the Avenue – Alexandria, VA.
- Need volunteers to run the club’s booth. Will solicit volunteers next month.
- 15th Anniversary Anthology – Submissions are with the editor.
- Draft cover presented. Kudos for Design!
- Kudos for editor and their feedback!
- Art on the Avenue – Alexandria, VA.
- Treasurer -A.J. (absent this meeting, but sent report summary along).
- $6,866.92 current balance.
- Secretary
- No report.
- Social Media Representative – Traci C.
- Experiment: Scheduling Tweets “as a business” follow up. You can do for free, just have to register as business.
- Thought: Change Twitter Club Account from “personal” account to “business” account. Traci will investigate further.
- Jason Maddux moderator of Facebook account, trying to claim ownership
- Experiment: Scheduling Tweets “as a business” follow up. You can do for free, just have to register as business.
- President
- Old Business
- Critique groups & beta readers
- Lori Eaton feedback on questionnaire:
- Will “advertise” that it is brief survey in email.
- Will send out survey in a couple of weeks.
- Lori Eaton feedback on questionnaire:
- Critique groups & beta readers
- New Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Ask the Publisher – (no talk, will just answer questions):
- John Koehler, Koehler Books (Jane Renfro, NOVA Writers Member)
- August 31 at 4 pm.
- Free, but must register:
- Ask the Publisher – (no talk, will just answer questions):
- State Officers
- Especially Pres & 1st VP are up for grabs at State writing club.
- Fill out Web forms, if interested.
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Speaker: Tara Campbell, “Social Justice Writing” presentation and workshop.
- Readings by Tara…Poetry and prose selections on theme of social justice.
- Group activity time.
- Brainstorm – 5 mins.
- “What went wrong?” on specific issue, format. – 5 mins.
- Hope: Defiance, envisioning a fairer future, and hope. – 8 mins.
- Adjournment