Members, please review for approval at September meeting.


Northern Virginia Writers Club

August 2022 Meeting Minutes

8/2022 1:00 PM

    1. Call to order by Michelle McBeth, president. 
    2. Roll call
      1. Names and types of writing (length and genre)
        1. Michelle McBeth, Darius Jones, James Kendley (paranormal), Tom Crepeau (fantasy), Traci Carter (fantasy), Ricardo Coleman (screenplays/Fan-Fic). Lori Eaton (mystery, etc.).
        2. Guest: Tara Campbell.
      2. Triumphs and failures.
        1. Michelle McBeth: Novel accepted to Self-Published Science Fiction Contest (#SPSFC).
        2. Darius Jones: “Go Ask Alice” Horror Flash to be published in Carmina Magazine.
        3. James Kendley: Paranormal Thriller Novella…will be published as e-book on Amazon soon.
    3. Approval of minutes from June meeting
      1. Minutes link was sent out with reminder email
        1. Minutes approved by voice acclamation.
    4. Officer’s Reports
      1. President
        1. Upcoming meeting topics
          1. Sept 17th – Art Taylor-Making the Scene (how to make scenes and show, not tell).
            1. Virtual meeting.
          2. October 22nd, noon.
            1. 15th Anniversary party!
            2. In person, at winery
            3. Evite will go out in September
          3. Nov 19
            1. NaNoWriMo write-in. Come ready to write!
            2. Live, in-person at Faith Lutheran Church.
          4. Dec 17.
            1. Holiday gathering.
      2. Vice President/Membership Chair (absent this meeting, but sent updates)
        1. Art on the Avenue – Alexandria, VA.
          1. Need volunteers to run the club’s booth. Will solicit volunteers next month.
        2. 15th Anniversary Anthology – Submissions are with the editor.
          1. Draft cover presented. Kudos for Design!
          2. Kudos for editor and their feedback! 
      3. Treasurer -A.J. (absent this meeting, but sent report summary along).
        1. $6,866.92 current balance.
      4. Secretary 
        1. No report.
      5. Social Media Representative – Traci C.
        1. Experiment: Scheduling Tweets “as a business” follow up. You can do for free, just have to register as business.
          1. Thought: Change Twitter Club Account from “personal” account to “business” account. Traci will investigate further.
        2. Jason Maddux moderator of Facebook account, trying to claim ownership
    5. Old Business
      1. Critique groups & beta readers
        1. Lori Eaton feedback on questionnaire:
          1. Will “advertise” that it is brief survey in email.
          2. Will send out survey in a couple of weeks.
    6. New Business
      1. Upcoming writing resources/contests
        1. Ask the Publisher – (no talk, will just answer questions):
          1. John Koehler, Koehler Books (Jane Renfro, NOVA Writers Member)
          2. August 31 at 4 pm.
          3. Free, but must register:
      2. State Officers
        1. Especially Pres & 1st VP are up for grabs at State writing club.
        2. Fill out Web forms, if interested.
    7. Speaker: Tara Campbell, “Social Justice Writing” presentation and workshop.
      1. Readings by Tara…Poetry and prose selections on theme of social justice.
      2. Group activity time.
        1. Brainstorm – 5 mins.
        2. “What went wrong?” on specific issue, format. – 5 mins.
        3. Hope: Defiance, envisioning a fairer future, and hope. – 8 mins.
    8. Adjournment