Members, please review the February minutes for approval during the March meeting.


Northern Virginia Writers Club

February 2024 Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:00 PM


  1. Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth
  2. Roll call
  3. Names and types of writing (length and genre):
    1. In person: President Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), Vice Pres. Carolyn McBride (Women’s fiction), Secretary Darius Jones (Horror, Poetry), Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Isabelle Missud (Member Chair. Writes Urban Fantasy), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren, Richard Shelton, Mark Bailey (Nonfiction), Allister Nelson (Romance), Craig Lipman (SF), Helga Warren (Memoir), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Lori Eaton (Suspense), Jason Maddux (YA, Sci Fi).
    2. Online: Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), David Bybee (Thriller), Philip Stephens (poetry), Eileen Slovak (Thriller), Anita Nahal (Poetry), Dennis Findley as Turner Grant (Memoir), Jim Thorne (Music), Carolyn Klein (Dark Fantasy), Kerri Stoeck (Sci-Fi), Suha Kudiseh (Poetry, short stories), Karen Paley (Memoir, nonfiction), Vyoma Nupur (Nonfiction, short story), Kevin Connor (short stories), Maynard Friesz (YA/Middle Grade), Janice Sebring (Hist. Fiction), Amanda LaMonica (Poetry, Sci-Fi), Sharon Widmayer (Romance).
    3. Guest: Larry Issa, book designer.
  4. Triumphs and failures:
    1. Traci Carter: I figured out Kindle Vella and have a story there.
    2. Jason Maddux: Story was published in Scrawl Magazine. Story was written in honor of his grandmother.
    3. Allister Nelson: Story accepted in Luna Station Quarterly.
    4. Turner Grant: Got in top 100 in three categories in Amazon!
    5. Karen: Essay published in Avalon Literary Review. Also, a big thank you to our club’s critique group on offering valuable feedback on the piece!
    6. Anita Nahal: Fourth poetry book nominated as finalist for ….Literary prize in India.
  5. Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. Moved by Carolyn, and Lois….
    2. Approved by voice vote.
  6. Officer’s Reports
    1. President McBeth
    2. Upcoming meeting topics
      1. March 16 at Shirlington Library – Author panel on turning your military/gov’t background into prose.
      2. April Meeting at Mary Riley Styles Library, Falls Church City. – Date TBD.
      3. May 11- Date change, TBD. Subject: “The Importance of Comic Relief” with Deidre Lovegren.
    3. VWC Journal Submissions due March 31.
      2. Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, Flash fiction
    4. Introducing new Vice President Carolyn McBride.
      1. Freelance ghostwriter by day for gov’t agencies, writes fiction in off time.
      2. Grew up locally.
    5. Treasurer AJ
      1. High renewal rate for club members
      2. 29 = DEADLINE for renewal, lest you get struck from lists.
      3. YTD funds = $5,417.44
      4. Tax season reminder: Your dues are NOT tax-deductible.
    6. Secretary Darius
        1. No report.
  7. Old Business
    1. Upcoming writing resources/contests
      1. Uncharted Magazine has a Novel Excerpt Contest. Get your novel snippets in!
  8. New Business
    1. McBeth: Bylaws updated by officers:
      1. Wording changes and clarification
      2. Addition of a Board of Directors (made of past Club officers from 2023).
      3. Addition of grievance policy
      4. Will vote on these in our April meeting.
    2. Social Media – Traci Carter
      1. Private Facebook page: We are active on our private group there. …But there is duplicate we don’t have access to that has been active for years.
      2. We continue on X as @VirginiaWriters.
      3. Discussion: Are we going to start new Facebook group or take back control of old one? Jason M. will see if we can get control of old group….
      4. Survey on social media:
        1. Went out, but very few answered.
        2. Meeting discussion: Majority seem in favor of continuing club presence on Twitter and Facebook….
      5. Adding Instagram: Some are for, some against. Traci will look at linking Facebook to IG.
      6. Vyoma: Consider adding LinkedIn. Others agreed.
  9. Business from the floor
      1. None
  10. Speaker – Larry Issa on Book Design.
    1. How to produce a visually appealing book that will lead to success in Indie publishing.
    2. Key quote: “Showing up is the best way to sell my books.” At book festivals, art shows, school readings, etc., etc.
    3. Presentation was recorded, for those interested in seeing again.
  11. Adjournment: 2:44 by Pres. McBeth.