Members: Please review the minutes from our February meeting for approval at the March meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
Feb. 2022 Meeting Minutes
2/26/22 1:00 PM
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
a) Names and types of writing (length and genre)
a. Hello to two new members: Bill Vitucci, Maria Zecca
b) Triumphs and failures.
a. Jason Maddux story out now in Australian mag. Darius Jones poems coming out in Strange
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
a) Jason Maddux motioned to approve the minutes as presented. A.J. George seconded. The
motion carried.
IV. Officer’s Reports
a) President
a. Next meeting: March 19
i. To feature: Robert Cantrill on screenwriting.
b) Vice President/ Membership Chair
a. Submitted application for Art on the Avenue again this year.
c) Treasurer.
a. Working 501(c)(3) process for application to the Gaithersburg Book Festival.
b. $6,800 in reserves.
d) Social media (Traci).
a. Working on improving club’s engagement on social.
V. Old Business
a) Upcoming writing resources
a. None mentioned.
VI. New Business
a) Scholarship – anyone want to run it and solicit donations? — No volunteers at this time.
a. Contact Michelle, if interested!
b) AJ: Sterling Library – Talking to library staff about possible event, Apr. 23.
c) 15th Anniversary anthology, discussion.
a. AJ: “Club can pay” for printing/publication of anthology.
b. Invite past members to contribute
c. Michelle can publish; Jason can coordinate submissions; need an editor.
VII. Roundtable Critique.
a) Various writers shared pieces and were critiqued.
VIII. Adjournment.