Members, please review the following for approval at the March 18th meeting.


Northern Virginia Writers Club

February 2023 Meeting Minutes

2/18/2023 1:00 PM

I.   Call to order

II. Roll call

a)       Names and types of writing (length and genre)

a.         11.5 in person

b.         5 online

b)       Triumphs and failures

a.         Michelle started submitting short stories again.

b.         Jason received a personalized rejection.

III.  Approval of minutes from last meeting

a)       January meeting minutes link sent in newsletter/reminder

a.         AJ moved; Tina seconded. Motion passed.

IV.  Officer’s Reports

a)       President

a.         Upcoming meeting topics

i.   March 18 meeting – Group critique

1.   Link on Moksha

2.   Request specific feedback

3.   Anonymous entries allowed


5.   800 word or less limit

6.   Submit by midnight, March 4, 2023

ii.  April 15 – Polly Letofsky (publishing consultant); scams, pitfalls, realities

iii.May 20 – Talk on giving interviews (tentative)

1.   Sending out template for bio/headshot/booklist & synopsis.

2.   Will inform of deadline when sent out in next newsletter

b.         VWC Journal Submissions due March 31st -guidelines on website

c.         Teen Nib is open:

b)       Vice President/ Membership Chair

a.         Art on the Avenue 2023 – first weekend of October

b.         Continue meeting at Faith Lutheran

c)        Treasurer

a.         $5840.93 net assets

b.         501c3 approved

d)       Secretary-absent

V.Old Business

a)       Upcoming writing resources/contests

a.         Traci (Social Media Mavin) – Working to incorporate calendar full time on website. Currently in a blog post.

b)       Membership renewal dues due

c)       Lois – book festival news

d)       Carolyn (Webmistress) – Website review in progress

VI.  New Business

a)       Revised bylaw on website

a.         Updated as part of incorporation. Will vote in April. Send comments to Michelle or via the website.

b)       Business from the floor?

a.         Social media options

i. Already have Facebook and Twitter

ii.  Instagram – image intensive; shouldn’t be repetitive

iii. Mastadon – difficult to post

b.         Highlighting members’ websites – send desire to be spotlighted to Traci

VII. Speaker – Roundtable

VIII.      Adjournment