We have a great workshop on tap this month. Fellow Virginia Writers Club member Janell Robisch will discuss cover design from the perspective of the self-published author. She’ll examine the most important cover elements that authors should consider as well as different options for getting a terrific cover (including DIY, pre-made covers, and hiring a professional).
Janell E. Robisch is an author, editor, graphic designer, publishing professional, and general techie. She writes and publishes a variety of nonfiction, including books and blog posts on writing and self-publishing. Her alter ego, J. Elizabeth Vincent, is the author of myriad short stories, a novella, and an ongoing epic fantasy series, the Legends of the Ceo San. She lives in the Shenandoah Valley with her husband, three kids, two dogs, and two cats. You can find Janell online on her websites at https://jelizabethvincent.com and https://speculationsediting.com.
Meeting Details
Saturday, July 17
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Online – details provided to members via email.
Upcoming Meetings
August 6-8 – Virginia Writers Club Annual Symposium
September 19 – TBD (either on writing diverse characters or an aspect of the business of writing)