Members, please review for approval at August meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
July 2022 Meeting Minutes
7/16/22 1:00 PM
- Call to order by Michelle McBeth, president.
- Roll call
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Michelle McBeth, Jason Maddux, AJ George, Darius Jones, Dorothy Spruzen, Janice Sebring, Traci Carter, May Sue Dahil, Kevin, Dominique Hoffman.
- Guest: Vee James.
- Triumphs and failures.
- McBeth submitted novel to SciFi contest: SPSFC.
- A.J.: Working on audio book version of his “Sleeping God” novel.
- Dorothy: Got faculty invite, working on new audio book.
- Traci: To be in State anthology for the Fall.
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Approval of minutes from June meeting
- Minutes link was sent out with reminder email
- Minutes approved by voice acclamation.
- Minutes link was sent out with reminder email
- Officer’s Reports
- President
- Upcoming meeting topics
- August 20th – Tara Campbell -Writing for Social Justice.
- Next NOVA Writers meeting
- Virtual meeting
- Sept 17th – Art Taylor workshop
- 2nd next NOVA Writers meeting.
- Virtual/Hybrid meeting, locale TBD soon.
- First week of October -Creatures, Crimes and Creativity conference in Maryland.
- October 22nd -15th Anniversary party!
- Venue: Bull Run Winery, VA.
- Starts: Noon.
- Lunch provided.
- Photographer to come? To offer headshots of our members.
- In-person event (outdoor meeting in tent).
- Nov 19th -NaNoWriMo write-in
- NOVA Writers meeting.
- Join in and write, write, write.
- Golden Nib deadline July 31st
- Send in your poetry, nonfiction and fiction!
- August 20th – Tara Campbell -Writing for Social Justice.
- Upcoming meeting topics
- Vice President/ Membership Chair (Maddux).
- Oct. 1: Art on the Avenue
- 15th Anniversary Anthology of NOVA Writers Club.
- Space still available.
- Deadline: July 31.
- Send in your stuff:
- Treasurer (AJ).
- Revenues in 2022 so far: $1,315.
- Operating surplus: $60.50
- Ending cash: approximately $6,800
- Secretary
- No report.
- Social Media Representative
- If you have Twitter handle, when you Tweet please use the Twitter handle of our club (@VirginiaWriters) in the post. And, most likely, we will Retweet it.
- President
- Old Business
- Critique groups & beta readers
- Lori Eaton has shared sample survey with Michelle.
- Critique groups & beta readers
- New Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- SPSFC -Opened yesterday
- Submit your SciFi novel!
- Virginia Writers Club Symposium -August 6
- In person only
- Will announce winner at “Eat Local, Read Local”
- October 15th Eat Local, Read Local – Cascades Library Loudoun
- May still be able to get in, if others drop out.
- SPSFC -Opened yesterday
- Social media document: Open discussion.
- Discussion: Using social media to boost members, sell books, recruit new members.
- Suggestion: Make Facebook Club page public.
- Originally intended as the club’s private message board. Maybe rationale should change.
- Michelle: “We’ll look into that.”
- Suggestion: Pay for Business Twitter account to schedule Tweets.
- Michelle says we will look at that, too.
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Speaker -Vee James – Chiastic Story Structure
- Chiastic story structure: Using repetitive themes or elements throughout a story to increase reader satisfaction.
- 7 Plot Points.
- Hook (normal life, but unique), Call to Action, Pinch Point 1 (forces action), Midpoint (learn and decide), Pinch Point 2 (Setback), Plot Point 2 (They/Protag get what they need), Resolution.
- Climax is seen as a “pay-off” despite individual plot events being surprising.
- Adjournment