Members, please review for approval at July meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
June 2022 Meeting Agenda
6/25/22 1:00 PM
- Call to order by Michelle McBeth, president.
- Roll call
- Writers attending (in person or online) included:
- Michelle McBeth, Jason Maddux, AJ George, Darius Jones, Dreama F, Paula T Weiss, Dominique Hoffman, Laura Eaton, Alex, Sarah, Sarah (w/guest Robin Sullivan), David Kilbert, Jeffery Higgins, Marilyn H, Maynard Freese, Roger, other members.
- Guest:
- Robin Sullivan: Write2Publish Meetup Group, business manager for author Michael J. Sullivan.
- Triumphs and failures.
- Darius Jones: “The Darkness” poem to appear in Star*Line mag.
- Writers attending (in person or online) included:
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Minutes were sent out with reminder email: No minutes from Library panel event
- Officer’s Reports
- President
- Upcoming meeting topics
- July 16th -Vee James creativity workshop.
- August 20th – Tara Campbell: Writing for Social Justice.
- Sept 17th – Art Taylor workshop.
- October 22nd – 15th Anniversary of club party!
- Teen Nib local winners
- Alana Bowers -Justice HS (Falls Church) -2nd place fiction
- Ruth Christino -ACHS -3rd place poetry
- Golden Nib deadline July 31.
- Submit your short stories and poem, instructions here:
- Upcoming meeting topics
- Vice President/ Membership Chair (Maddux).
- Gaithersburg Book Festival.
- “Good learning experience.”
- Art on the Avenue in Alexandria, VA.
- Oct. 1, 2022.
- Looking for volunteers!
- Gaithersburg Book Festival.
- Treasurer (AJ).
- Report on revenue, expenses, etc.
- Ending balance: $7089.
- Secretary
- No report.
- Social Media Representative (not in attendance, Club Pres conducts this segment).
- Social media policy for the club to be emailed out after this meeting.
- President
- Old Business
- New Business
- Critique groups & beta readers Survey – Lori Eaton
- Could create survey to send out to membership on critique groups?
- Pres. Michelle McBeth offered to review a draft survey.
- Could create survey to send out to membership on critique groups?
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Virginia Writers Club Symposium
- August 6. Charlottesville, Piedmont VA Community College
- Keynote speaker retired US Army Colonel and pathologist Bradley Harper
- Scott Ellis will be there
- Cool raffle prizes; Ad pages available
- Eat Local, Read Local
- Oct. 15. Cascades Library, Loudoun
- Two upcoming lectures from today’s guest, Robin Sullivan:
- Both on July 9 at Arlington Public Library.
- “Publishing Options: Self, small press, big-five: the pros and cons of each.” 1:00 – 2:45 pm
- “Money Matters: The Economics of Self and Traditional Publishing.” 3:00 – 4:45 pm
- Virginia Writers Club Symposium
- Critique groups & beta readers Survey – Lori Eaton
- Speaker: Robin Sullivan, “Using Kickstarter for Book Self-publishing.”
- Big takeaways:
- Crowdfunding = Way to earn money by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people.
- Kickstarter = Not a form of charity. You must create something new. You MUST provide something in exchange for their money. (Could be new format). A way for readers to pre-order your stuff.
- Keys to success: Provide something people want, ease fears you can deliver, have a platform of readers already available, offer different contribution levels.
- Pro Tip: 2,000 or less is OK for print on demand. Otherwise, do regular print run.
- First Michael Sullivan Kickstarter: $15K goal, plus $15K of own money. In the end: over $50K raised. Felt she could get 500 backers on first run.
- Why do Kickstarter?
- Raise money.
- Create pre-release buzz.
- Fan service/let fans be part of process.
- Receive emails of people who backed you = Biggest benefit!
- Robin: “Steal campaign strategy” from Michael Sullivan’s on Kickstarter. They’re public.
- Big takeaways:
- Adjournment