Members, please review the June minutes for approval during the August meeting.

Northern Virginia Writers Club

June 2023 Meeting Agenda

6/24/2023 1:00 PM

  1. Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Names and types of writing (length and genre):
      1. In person: Pres. Michelle McBeth (Sci-Fi, Fantasy), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, Fantasy, Poetry), Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Dennis Findley/Turner Grant (Memoir), Sharon Scates (Memoir), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Jennifer (screenplays), Blaine McCants (SciFi and Fantasy), Janice Sebring (Hist Fiction), Paula Weiss (Dystopian Fiction), Lori Eaton (Hist. Fiction, Mystery), Anita Nahal (poet).
      2. Online: Vice Pres. Jason Maddux (Sci-Fi/YA) while in Croatia!, Tom DeWitt (SciFi), Carolyn W. McBride (Contemporary Womens’ Fiction), Tina Workman (Romantic Fantasy), Dreama Frisk (Poetry, Novelist).
      3. Guest Speaker: Chelsea Jackson (poet, editor) on “Reimagining Our Inherited Stories.”
    2. Triumphs and failures
      1. Darius: Had first reading ever (of poetry) at StokerCon in Pittsburgh on June 17.
      2. Dennis: Audio book version went live two days ago! Will do joint Podcast with other author in coming weeks on “The Hip Senior.”
      3. Paula: Attended book fair at Glen Coffee Shop: Gave reading and sold some books! New book came out earlier this month: The Deplorable Underground.
  3. Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. May meeting minutes link sent in newsletter.
      1. Approved!
      2. Motions to approve: 1st Dennis, 2nd by Darius.
      3. Passed by voice acclamation.
  4. Officer’s Reports
    1. President – McBeth
      1. Upcoming meeting topics
        1. July 15 – Picnic in Annandale at Hidden Notes Playground. We have a shelter. So, event IS rain or shine. Club will provide the main dish and water. Club Members: Please bring a “side”/dessert/non-alcoholic drinks to share.
        2. August 19 – Larry Nissa to give talk on book formatting.
        3. Sept. – Tara Campbell talk on the craft of writing.
    2. Vice President/Membership Chair – Maddux
      1. Alexandria’s “Art on the Avenue” is Oct. 7. We are now approved for a booth!
      2. Almost 30 new members this year.
    3. Treasurer – George
      1. YTD net assets: $5,479.27.
    4.  Secretary
      1. No report.
    5. Social Media – Traci C.
      1. Posted two Author Website Spotlights on Twitter in May. Offer to membership interested in Website Spotlights with special emphasis on newly developed sites or new releases. Plan to post “Lessons Learned” on club webpage.
  5. Old Business
    1. Upcoming writing resources/contests
      1. We have online Calendar now—building out slowly.
      2. VA Writers’ Symposium
        1. Aug. 5 in Ashland, VA.
    2. Golden Nib 2023
      1. Lori: Golden Nib Contest…Please get in your entries! Deadline is July 15…Top 3 entries go onto “State” Golden Nib. Entry instructions on Club website. For adult writers of fiction, poetry, non-fiction.
    3. Dues Increase
      1. Will table discussion for now.
    4. Logo
      1. We will have printout of new, new logo at our picnic to discuss.
  6. New Business: None!
  7. Speaker – Chelsea Jackson: “Reimagining Our Inherited Stories.”
    1. In this workshop, we learn about “How to reimagine our inherited stories.”
    2. Using poetry to express yourself and comment on inherited stories.
    3. You can use family letters, newspaper articles, and photos to create a story.
  8. Adjournment