Members, please review the March minutes for approval during the April meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
March 2024 Meeting Minutes
03/16/2024 1:00 PM
- Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth.
- Roll call
- Names and types of writing (length and genre):
- In person: President Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), Vice Pres. Carolyn McBride (Women’s fiction), Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Secretary Darius Jones (Horror, Poetry), Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Vee James (Speculative Fiction), Dennis Seller (Historical Mystery, Children’s), Richard Shelton (Literary Hist. Fiction), Stew Searles (Nonfiction, Hist.), Craig Lipman (Sci-Fi), Gwenn Gebhard (Poetry), Anthony Spadafora (History), Justin, Casey White (Fantasy), Jason Maddux (YA, Sci Fi), Jim Thorne (Children’s Sci Fi). Suzanne Davenport (Suspense), Lori Eaton (Suspense), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren.
- Online:
- Roger Hammons (Fantasy, Sci-Fi), Amanda LaMonica (Sci-Fi, poetry).
- Guests: “Turning your Military and Government Experience into Prose.”
- Tom DeWitt, C.E. Albanese and Robert Cantrell.
- Triumphs and failures:
- Darius Jones: Story “Exo-Soul” sold to Creepy Podcast.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting.
- So moved by Craig…Seconded by Susan…
- Approved by voice vote.
- Officer’s Reports.
- President McBeth
- Upcoming meeting topics
- April 13, Mary Riley Styles Library, Falls Church City. Two Club members will do a tag team talk: one writer, one editor will discuss “The Editor-Writer Relationship.”
- May 11. A talk on “The Importance of Comic Relief” with Deidre Lovegren.
- June 15: Scott Ellis returns with his popular talk on audio books.
- July 20: Subject TBD.
- VA Writers Club Journal
- Submissions due March 31.
- Guidelines:
- Accepting: Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, and Flash Fiction.
- Database on local writing resources.
- Working on putting this together: Michelle and others.
- Vice President Carolyn McBride.
- No report.
- Treasurer AJ
- Club’s tax return submitted—and accepted! (First year we filed).
- YTD Net Assets = $5,813.67
- Secretary Darius
- No report.
- Upcoming meeting topics
- President McBeth
- Old Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Clive Cussler Writer’s competition—ends April 30.
- Member Chris Albanese is a judge for it.
- First place award is $1,000.
- Accept “completed manuscripts.”
- Golden Nib Contest
- Deadline for contest is July 15.
- Clive Cussler Writer’s competition—ends April 30.
- New Business
- Pres. McBeth
- Bylaws
- To vote on bylaws at Apr. 13 meeting.
- Come prepared to discuss/vote!
- Bylaws
- Pres. McBeth
- Business from the floor
- None
- Speakers – “Turning your Military/Gov’t Experience into Prose.”
- Introduction: Club Sec. Darius Jones.
- Speakers shared their military/gov’t experience and how it informs their research, writing, and characters.
- Answered questions from audience for balance of program.
- Adjournment: Pres. McBeth.