Members, please review the March minutes for Approval at the April meeting.

Northern Virginia Writers Club
March 2023 Meeting Agenda
3/18/2023 1:00 PM

I. Call to order –Club Pres. Michelle McBeth.

II. Roll call

a)       Names and types of writing (length and genre).

a.   In person: Michelle McBeth (SciFi, fantasy), Jason Maddux (SciFi/YA), AJ George (Thriller, Horror), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, poetry), Dennis Finley/Turner Grant (Memoir), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, SciFi) and partner Loise Wren, Cameron Brenchley (Lit Fiction), Tina W (Romantic Fantasy), Lori Eaton (Hist. Fiction, mystery), Karen, Donna, Jerry Kobialko (aspiring novelist), Michael Easton (multi-genres), Kevin Connor (journaling, new writer).

b.   Online: Vee James (Comedy/YA).

b)       Triumphs and failures.

a.   Dennis: Entered his book “To Venus and Back” in 11 book awards contests. No winners yet! 2nd podcast appearance/interview for the book: “Healing and Forgiveness” Podcast. Currently auditioning readers for audiobook version.

b.   Maddux: Acceptance to Havok of SciFi Flash piece.

c.   Darius Jones: “Go Ask Alice” a Horror Flash piece has appeared in Carmina Magazine and “Symmetry,” a poem, was just accepted to Star*Line Magazine.

d.   AJ: Will be setting up a podcast with talent from Scott Ellis Reads.

e.   Michelle: Her technical paper won research award from U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

III.  Approval of minutes from last meeting

a)       February minutes approved. First motion: A.J. George, seconded: Darius Jones. Passed by voice acclimation with two abstentions.

IV.  Officer’s Reports

a)       President (McBeth)

a.   Upcoming meeting potential topics:

i.    April – Polly Letofsky – “Scams, pitfalls and realities” of publishing industry.

ii.  May – Ralph Peluso writer for Zebra in Alexandria, VA— on “How to Conduct an Interview.”

b.   Author Info Packet –

i.   Will send out again to Members: Please fill out your Bio, credits, and include a headshot.

c.   VA Writers Club Journal contest

i.   Deadline = March 31.

ii. 3,500 word limit

iii.For fiction, poetry, nonfiction.

d.   VA Teen Nib Contest

i.   Closes March 31.

ii. Spread word to high school students, teachers of HS students in your life!

iii.Must be HS student to participate.

b)       Vice President/Membership Chair (Maddux).

a.   Art on the Avenue, Oct. 7 – We’re looking to do again.

c)       Treasurer (AJ George).

a.   Dues being collected now. Dues were due March 15—please pay if you haven’t!

b.   Approx. $6,227 in assets on 3/18/22.

c.   Will submit 990 Form to IRS for past year.

d)       Secretary

a.   No report.

V.Old Business

a)       Upcoming writing resources/contests:

a.   Traci developing local “Writer” Events Calendar to post on our website and share on our Twitter

b)       Bylaws

a.   Bylaws are online (on our website) for Members to check out.

b.   Will vote on them at May Meeting.

VI.  New Business

a)       Business from the floor – None.

VII. Speaker – None

VIII.       Activity – “Group Round” Robin critique”

Lori E suggest: Let’s start off by offering what we like, then move into constructive criticism of the piece. Projects shares w/group for critiquing included:

·       Lori’s jacket cover blurb for a novel

·       Titling Jason’s story collection

·       Tina’s novel’s opening pages

·       Vee James’s Kickstarter video

·       Michelle’s short story opening

IX.  Adjournment – Club Pres. McBeth.