Members, please review the May minutes for approval in June.

Northern Virginia Writers Club
May 2023 Meeting Agenda
5/20/2023 1:00 PM

  1. Call to order – Club VP Jason Maddux.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Names and types of writing (length and genre):
      1. In person: Vice Pres. Jason Maddux (Sci-Fi/YA), AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, poetry), Tina Workman (Romantic Fantasy), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren, Jennifer (screenplays/light drama), Sharon Scates (Memoir), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi).
      2. Online: Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Carolyn Klein (Dark Fantasy, Horror), Karen Paley (Essays), Suzanne (novelist), Dreama Frisk (Poetry, Novelist), Dominique Hoffman (Novelist), Jane (Science-Fantasy), Greg (Military Fiction).
      3. Guest Speaker: Ralph Peluso (Literary Editor, Zebra Press). Will discuss: “Catch Fire: Getting Noticed. Tips and Techniques for a Successful Interview.”
    2. Triumphs and failures
      1. AJ George: Guest on Scott Ellis’ Podcast. It went well. Told stories about drafting novel.
      2. Darius: moderated panel at SFWA Conference on May 13 on “Writing Scripted Sci-Fi/Fantasy Podcasts.” Great success! Met lots of writers.
      3. Karen Paley: First acceptance for a story in some time: Journal of the VA Writers’ Club.
      4. Maddux: New story “Polynesian Disbursement” coming out May 23 on GoHavok. Please “like” there and promote!
      5. Dreama’s book now held on reserve at Arlington Public Library system.
  3. Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. April meeting minutes link sent in newsletter/reminder.
      1. Approved!
      2. Motions to approve: AJ, Jason. Then passed by voice acclamation.
  4. Officer’s Reports
    1. Vice President/Membership Chair – Maddux
      1. Applied for Alexandria’s “Art on the Avenue.” More details soon.
    2. President’s Report – Given by Maddux from Pres. McBeth.
      1. Upcoming Meetings:
        1. June 24: Chelsea Jackson: Reimagining our Inherited Stories.
        2. July 15 – Picnic. More details to come.
        3. August 19: Larry Issa: Book formatting.
        4. September meeting: Possibly Tara Campbell?
    3. Treasurer – George
      1. Didn’t have to file taxes this year (for 2022). Official club inception for tax purposes: Jan. 1, 2023.
      2. YTD net assets (5/20/2023) : $5,763.65
      3. YTD change in net assets: +$284.38
    4. Secretary
      1. No report.
    5. Social Media – Traci
      1. Website spotlights started. Posted first one. Would love club interaction. Second spotlight is in queue. Ready for other interested members, especially focus on those with new website updates/new books.
      2. Sending Pres. McBeth the Calendar updates for the website and can share link on social media of writing events in NOVA and surrounding areas.
  5. Old Business
    1. Website updates.
      1. Carolyn: We have a Live Event webpage now. It has next month’s meeting on there now!
    2. Bylaws.
      1. Maddux: We will now vote on approving our bylaws.
      2. Motions to approve: AJ, Darius.
      3. Motion carried by voice acclamation.
    3. Logo design
      1. Pres. McBeth might share something next meeting on updating Logo.
  6. New Business
    1. Upcoming writing resources/contests.
      1. Lois Wren: Upcoming book signings at Occoquan Festival and other places.
    2. Golden Nib 2023
      1. Golden Nib Contest…Deadline is July 15 to get your pieces in…
      2. Lori is managing, NOT judging.
      3. Top 3 entries go onto “State” Golden Nib. Entry instructions on website. This is for adult writers of fiction, poetry, non-fiction. MUST be a member of the NVWC and the Virginia State Writers’ Club.
      4. Jason: Let’s have a good showing! Please get your pieces in!
    3. Dues – Tabled until the next meeting.
  7. Speaker – Ralph Peluso: Tips on how to GIVE an interview.
    1. Show enthusiasm.
    2. Tell ‘your’ story. How you AND your story got there and all “the gory details.”
    3. They want to know your biographical details: How you got here.
    4. Don’t be shy!: Offer interviewer questions YOU would like to be asked.
  8. Adjournment