Members, please review the May minutes for approval in June.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
May 2023 Meeting Agenda
5/20/2023 1:00 PM
- Call to order – Club VP Jason Maddux.
- Roll call.
- Names and types of writing (length and genre):
- In person: Vice Pres. Jason Maddux (Sci-Fi/YA), AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, poetry), Tina Workman (Romantic Fantasy), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren, Jennifer (screenplays/light drama), Sharon Scates (Memoir), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi).
- Online: Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Carolyn Klein (Dark Fantasy, Horror), Karen Paley (Essays), Suzanne (novelist), Dreama Frisk (Poetry, Novelist), Dominique Hoffman (Novelist), Jane (Science-Fantasy), Greg (Military Fiction).
- Guest Speaker: Ralph Peluso (Literary Editor, Zebra Press). Will discuss: “Catch Fire: Getting Noticed. Tips and Techniques for a Successful Interview.”
- Triumphs and failures
- AJ George: Guest on Scott Ellis’ Podcast. It went well. Told stories about drafting novel.
- Darius: moderated panel at SFWA Conference on May 13 on “Writing Scripted Sci-Fi/Fantasy Podcasts.” Great success! Met lots of writers.
- Karen Paley: First acceptance for a story in some time: Journal of the VA Writers’ Club.
- Maddux: New story “Polynesian Disbursement” coming out May 23 on GoHavok. Please “like” there and promote!
- Dreama’s book now held on reserve at Arlington Public Library system.
- Names and types of writing (length and genre):
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- April meeting minutes link sent in newsletter/reminder.
- Approved!
- Motions to approve: AJ, Jason. Then passed by voice acclamation.
- April meeting minutes link sent in newsletter/reminder.
- Officer’s Reports
- Vice President/Membership Chair – Maddux
- Applied for Alexandria’s “Art on the Avenue.” More details soon.
- President’s Report – Given by Maddux from Pres. McBeth.
- Upcoming Meetings:
- June 24: Chelsea Jackson: Reimagining our Inherited Stories.
- July 15 – Picnic. More details to come.
- August 19: Larry Issa: Book formatting.
- September meeting: Possibly Tara Campbell?
- Upcoming Meetings:
- Treasurer – George
- Didn’t have to file taxes this year (for 2022). Official club inception for tax purposes: Jan. 1, 2023.
- YTD net assets (5/20/2023) : $5,763.65
- YTD change in net assets: +$284.38
- Secretary
- No report.
- Social Media – Traci
- Website spotlights started. Posted first one. Would love club interaction. Second spotlight is in queue. Ready for other interested members, especially focus on those with new website updates/new books.
- Sending Pres. McBeth the Calendar updates for the website and can share link on social media of writing events in NOVA and surrounding areas.
- Vice President/Membership Chair – Maddux
- Old Business
- Website updates.
- Carolyn: We have a Live Event webpage now. It has next month’s meeting on there now!
- Bylaws.
- Maddux: We will now vote on approving our bylaws.
- Motions to approve: AJ, Darius.
- Motion carried by voice acclamation.
- Logo design
- Pres. McBeth might share something next meeting on updating Logo.
- Website updates.
- New Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests.
- Lois Wren: Upcoming book signings at Occoquan Festival and other places.
- Golden Nib 2023
- Golden Nib Contest…Deadline is July 15 to get your pieces in…
- Lori is managing, NOT judging.
- Top 3 entries go onto “State” Golden Nib. Entry instructions on website. This is for adult writers of fiction, poetry, non-fiction. MUST be a member of the NVWC and the Virginia State Writers’ Club.
- Jason: Let’s have a good showing! Please get your pieces in!
- Dues – Tabled until the next meeting.
- Upcoming writing resources/contests.
- Speaker – Ralph Peluso: Tips on how to GIVE an interview.
- Show enthusiasm.
- Tell ‘your’ story. How you AND your story got there and all “the gory details.”
- They want to know your biographical details: How you got here.
- Don’t be shy!: Offer interviewer questions YOU would like to be asked.
- Adjournment