Join us on September 24th for a presentation on historical research for fiction writers. Our presenter, Dorothy Spruzen, will provide answers to the following questions:

Do you really need to get it right?
How much is too much?
Where can you find it?
A reliable source? Maybe not.

Also … learn how to avoid pratfalls!

Saturday, 24th September
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Kingstowne Public Library
6500 Landsdowne Centre Dr,
Alexandria, VA 22315
(703) 339-4610

D.A. SpruzenD. A. Spruzen grew up near London, England, earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Queens University of Charlotte, and teaches writing when she’s not seeking her own muse. In another life she was Manager of Publications for a defense contractor. Her short stories and poems have appeared in many publications, and she is the author of The Blitz Business, set in WWII England, released on August 1 from Koehler Books. Her other books are: Long in the Tooth (poetry collection); The Flower Ladies series, of which Books 1 and 2 have been published: Not One of Us and Lily Takes the Field, and Crossroads; two novellas. She and her husband live in Northern Virginia, where she also teaches writing classes. Visit Dorothy’s website at