Members, please review for approval at November meeting.


Northern Virginia Writers Club

September 2022 Meeting Minutes

9/17/2022 1:00 PM

    1. Call to order by Jason Maddux, VP. (Pres. Michelle McBeth had to be absent for this meeting).
    2. Roll call
      1. Names and types of writing (length and genre)
        1. Jason Maddux (speculative, YA fiction), AJ Taylor (speculative mystery/Horror), Traci Carter (historical Romance) , Tana Suter (creative nonfiction), Kevin Connor (starting out w/short stories), Janice Sebring (Hist. Fiction), Solveig  Eggerz (Literary Fiction), Dreama Frisk (regional poetry, novelist), Darius Jones (Cosmic Horror, historical fiction).
        2. Guest: Art Taylor, teaches fiction and nonfiction at George Mason. Also, writes mystery/suspense short stories.
      2. Triumphs and failures.
        1. Darius Jones: poem “In the Dose” appeared in Radon Journal this month.
        2. Dreama: Problems with Submittable, getting Tech Support on.
        3. Guest Art Taylor: New story “We Are All Strangers Here” out now in Ellery Queen’s Magazine.
    3. Approval of minutes from August meeting
      1. Minutes from last month on website.
    4. Officer’s Reports
      1. Vice President/Membership Chair -Jason
        1. Golden Nib CHAPTER winners to be discussed soon.
        2. Upcoming meeting topics:
          1. October 22nd -15th Anniversary party! Noon!
            1. In person meeting.
            2. Punchbowl invitation will go out in September
          2. Nov 19th -NaNoWriMo write-in
            1. Should be hybrid meeting
            2. Come and write together with your fellow writers!
          3. Dec 10th -Holiday gathering
            1. Details to come 
        3. Art on the Avenue, Oct. 1
          1. We will have a table and need more volunteers.
          2. Please contact Jason, if you can participate.
        4. NOVA Writers Anthology.
          1. Proof with cover is now ready.
          2. State Organization will publish the anthology.
      2. Treasurer -A.J.
        1. $6,806 current balance.
      3. Secretary 
        1. No report.
      4. Social Media Representative – Traci C.
        1. Hoping to create flyer for Oct. 22 event (15th anniversary party).
    5. Old Business
      1. Nov. 5 – State chapter is meeting near Richmond.
    6. New Business
      1. Upcoming writing resources/contests
        1. Darius: Discount StokerCon tickets available now for next June in Pittsburgh. If you’re into Horror, please consider going!
    7. Speaker: Art Taylor, associate professor of English and creative writing at George Mason University.
      1. Talk on “Show, Don’t Tell” and scene-building.
      2. Lester Dent “Master Plot”
      3. Books/resources to check out: Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V Swain and others on building scenes and plots.
    8. Adjournment