Members, please review the April minutes for approval during the May meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
April 2024 Meeting Minutes
04/13/2024 1:00 PM
- Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth
- Roll call
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Onsite: President Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), VP Carolyn McBride (Women’s Fiction, Romance), Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Secretary Darius Jones (Horror, Poetry), Isabelle Missud (Fantasy). Paula Weiss (Dystopian Fiction), Sharon Ritchie, Laura Richardson, Richard Shelton (Historical Fiction), Craig Lipman (SciFi), Stew Searle (Hist Fiction), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren, “Daniel” (First timer, just starting out), Lori Eaton (Suspense), Deborah Snyder (Flash), Casey White (Fantasy), Dennis Siler (Adult and Children’s Fiction).
- Online: Karen Paley (Memoir, essay, non-fiction), Kerri Stoeck (Speculative), J Boland, Sharon Widmayer (Romance), Kevin Connor.
- Guests: Jennifer Milder (Author), Elizabeth Merck (editor).
- Triumphs and failures
- John Wren book signing at Chloe’s Café this week. New book, an Trodai, live on Amazon now.
- Karen Paley has had three publications in last months and was accepted into the MFA program at Goucher College.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Moved by AJ and seconded.
- Approved by voice vote.
- Officer’s Reports
- President McBeth
- Upcoming meeting topics
- May 11 – The Importance of Comic Relief, Deidre Lovegren.
- June 15 (Virtual ONLY!) – Audiobooks with Scott Ellis.
- July 20 – Picnic or Robin Sullivan, TBD.
- VA Writing Club (“State Club”) news.
- VWC Journal Submissions due April 15—Get in your piece!
- VWC Scholarship due June.
- For HS seniors going to college in-state for scholarship.
- State Club Virtual Gathering of Authors
- Apr 18, 2024, 07:30 PM Eastern Time
- Check newsletter or reach out to Chuck Tabb for more information.
- Chat and meet other authors online!
- Club Website: “Resources” page in the works
- Once initial page is up, suggestions can be sent to club resources email.
- Check spreadsheet for fields before sending suggestions
- Will be working on members-only section of website
- Golden Nib is open until July 15th
- Guidelines on website
- Email with coversheet!
- No ID for covering.
- Submit: fiction, non-fiction or poetry. 3,500 words MAXIMUM.
- Upcoming meeting topics
- Vice President McBride
- No report.
- Treasurer George
- YTD Ending Net Assets: $5,774.71
- Secretary Jones
- No report.
- President McBeth
- Old Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests.
- None at this time.
- Bylaws vote.
- AJ motioned, Darius seconded.
- 21 out of 28 approved (75%), 7 abstained, 0 nays.
- Outcome: Bylaws APPROVED by required 2/3 majority (66%) vote.
- New Business
- Business from the floor – None.
- The Author-Editor Relationship: Everything You Need to Know to Find Your Fit with Jennifer Milder (author) and Elizabeth Merck (editor).
- In traditional publishing, you get an editor assigned to you.
- So, most of this applies to self-publishing/independent authors.
- Are you ready for an editor?
- Have you written a book? Solicited comments from an unbiased reader (not friends and family)? And sent to trusted Beta readers? Then, you might be ready for an editor.
- Milder wrote book, polished to third draft. Had friends read it and realized that friends wouldn’t give good feedback. Had to find an editor.
- Types of editing:
- Developmental editor. Overarching, big recommendations. Move, expand, delete section or concepts.
- Line editor. Line-by-line look at your story. Style, syntax, dialogue. Not for grammar, mistakes.
- Copy editor. Spelling, grammar, punctuation. Line and copyediting often done together.
- Always the last stage. Catching lingering mistakes only. Often done from a proof.
- How to choose? Listen to your Beta readers…If they say there are serious problems, consider developmental. If they like most of it, consider a line editor/copy editor.
- Expect to pay $.01 per word for a pro editor, for any type of editing.
- Book Recommendations: The Emotion Thesaurus
- Websites: Editorial Freelancers Association ( for finding an editor, pay rates and resources. You have to be a member to be listed, but they don’t “vet” members. You have to.
- Find Elizabeth at:
- Find your editor through: professional associations, writing groups, conferences, word of mouth, Internet, third-party sites (Fiverr, Reedsy).
- Adjournment – Pres. McBeth.