Northern Virginia Writers Club

November 2024 Meeting Minutes

11/16/2024            1:00 PM

  1. Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth.
  2. Roll call
  3. In Person: Pres. Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Sec. Darius Jones (Horror, Dark Fantasy), Social Media Coordinator Traci Carter (Hist. Romance), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Kevin Connor (short fiction), Jason Maddux (Sci-Fi/YA), Matt (Thriller), Tricia (non-fiction), Lori Eaton (Suspense, Crime Fiction), Ann Patterson (Fantasy), Jeff Williams (fiction/screenplays), Ellen Cunningham (TV screenplays).

On Zoom: VP Carolyn McBride (Women’s fiction), Erica Myers (Lit fiction), Mark Piggott (Fantasy/Steampunk), Kay Summers (Upmarket Speculative), Sharon Whitmayor (Romance), James Kindle (Historical Fiction), Rick Hodges (Historical Fiction).

  1. Triumphs and failures
    1. Darius Jones: Poem “Sentio” to be published in Space and Time Magazine.
    2. AJ George: Received another 5-Star Review for his latest novel: “A great storyteller.”
    3. Dreama Frisk: Published new novel.
    4. Rick’s daughter: Positive feedback on her essay.
    5. Erica: Got first feedback from agent on querying her novel.
    6. Mark: His YA Fantasy novel won a Silver Medal for Bookfest Book Awards.
    7. Carolyn McBride: Her short story was published in Sea of Tranquility (To be micro-fiched and sent on rocket to the moon).
    8. Traci: Won 2nd place in Romantic Fiction contest.
  • Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. AJ Moved, Traci seconded.
  1. All in favor, no opposed. Minutes approved.
  2. Officer’s Reports
  3. President
    1. Upcoming meeting topics
      1. Holiday Special Meeting: December 14 – Tyson’s Shipgarten. Club to supply appetizers. Members only.
      2. Link sent in newsletter with RSVP link. Please RSVP!
    • January 18 – Annual meeting: Elections/programming.
      • Pres/VP/Sec/Treasurer—will be voted on.
      • Also need volunteers – For Social Media Coordinator, website maintenance.
    1. Feb 15 – Tara Campbell will talk to us about writing “craft.”
    1. Members only page—in progress.
      1. Looking to automate membership.
    2. NVWC Board Meeting
      1. After today’s Club meeting.
    3. Vice President
      1. No report.
    4. Treasurer
      1. YTD Ending Cash = $6,214.10
    5. Secretary
      1. No report.
  1. Old Business
  2. Upcoming writing resources/contests:
    1. AJ: Joy Anna Peters—“Master” book marketeer could be a good guest speaker. AJ will give contact information to Michelle McBeth.  
    2. Deadlands magazine: Open now for Horror/Dark Fantasy fiction and poetry.
    3. Mark Gardner does editing services, has anthology out right now (from copy editing to developmental editing).
    4. Golden Nib State winners to be announced on our Club website soon.
    5. Scates: Recommend “Shut Up and Write” in Arlington at Kaldi’s Social Club. One-hour public writing session.
  3. New Business
    1. Business from the floor—none.
  • NaNoWriMo: We all sit down and start to write.
  1. We wrote for an hour and twenty minutes and then shared our progress at 2:50 p.m.
  • Adjournment at 3:00—Club President McBeth.