Members, please review the October minutes for approval during the November meeting.

Northern Virginia Writers Club

October 2024 Meeting Minutes

10/26/2024 1:00 PM


  1. Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth.
  2. Roll call
  3. Names and types of writing (length and genre): Pres. Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), Vice President Carolyn McBride (Women’s fiction and Romance), Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Social Media Coordinator Traci Carter, John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi), Events Coordinator Lois Wren, Janice Sebring (Historical Fiction), Craig Lipman (Sci-Fi), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Jeff (Military fiction), Hank Rausch (Commercial Fict.), Marissa Naggi (Fantasy), Elizabeth Eadie, (SciFi), Caroline Crocker (Multi-Genre), Gil Gilbert (Poetry, Non-fiction) and Cindy Gilbert, Kerri Stoeck (Speculative), Kay Summers (Speculative short stories), Anita Nahal (Poetry, Children’s, Flash, Short films based on poems), Barbara Kennedy (Travel, Historical Fiction), Jenny Hogan (Women’s Fiction, Romance), Steve Ackerman (Non-fiction, Military Thrillers), Nicole Schultz (Speculative Fiction), Julie Boland (Adventure/Thriller/Mystery), Chet Damian (Horror/Comic/Anime), Jennifer O’Connor (Pre-K/Elementary story), Susan Picerno, Dreama Frisk.
  4. Guest: Robin Sullivan on Kickstarter.
  5. Triumphs and failures
    • VP Carolyn McBride: Women’s blog post was accepted.
    • Janice Sebring: Fearful Breakers is on list for an historical fiction award.
    • John and Lois Wren: Book blurb published in Australia
    • AJ George: Received a review of his novel review 5 stars.
    • Bob Skates: Shared Amazon royalty details.
    • Anita Nahal: Won Venezuela Film Festival Award for Best Super Short
    • Dreama Frisk: Just published new book: Before We Left the Land.
    • Golden Nib Winners 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be published. State-wide to be announced at state meeting in November.
  6. Approval of minutes from last meeting
    1. AJ Moved, Bob seconded.
    2. All in favor, no opposed. Minutes approved.
  7. Officer’s Reports
    1.  President
      1. Upcoming meeting topics
        • November 16 – NaNoWriMo write-in/Golden Nib winners are leading choices of the membership poll for a November event. Members are encouraged to respond to newsletter by Saturday, November 2.
        • December 14 – Holiday Social, looking for venues now. Send options. Ideas: Railroad Museum/Train station, Ballston Punchbowl social, other ideas? POC: Carolyn M.
        • January 18 – Annual meeting: Elections/programming. Call for officers and volunteers!
          • Pres/VP/Sec/Treasurer—will be voted on.
          • Volunteers – Social media (posting templates available), website.
      2. Members only page—in progress.
        • Discussion with Nate Hoffelder led to new direction for automated syncing with other apps. Request to sync to Mailchimp.
      3. State annual meeting November 2, 11- 3pm in Richmond
      4. Vice President
        • Font Books: will host a “Holiday and Hearts” event for five writers on Dec. 4.
        • Lois Wren: Handling local events with authors. Wait-listed on Mosiac Arts Fair for spring 2025.
    2. Treasurer: YTD Expenses= $3,313.04, YTD Revenue= $4,340. YTD Ending Cash = $6,179.10
    3. Secretary – Darius absent. T. Carter is doing minutes
  8. Old Business
  9. Upcoming writing resources/contests:
    • Jennifer O’Connor reported on October Canada Believe Live Conference (Children’s Books Focus).
    • Potential Writers’ Day in Stafford per Caroline C. (A local leader reached out to her for panel discussions. A submission form is needed.)
  10. New Business
  11. Business from the floor. Event ideas continued (above).
  12. Robin Sullivan on Kickstarters and Direct Sales. (Slides will be forwarded).
    • Direct Selling for Authors. Background: Business manager of Michael J. Sullivan, small press publisher, spouse is a full-time, hybrid pub bestseller.
    • Traditional: distro by publisher, sell direct (make sure stipulation in contract), keep deluxe edition rights.
    • Self-Publish: E-books, On-demand copies, Offset print run (sell direct with lower unit cost with 500-1000 books), Offset print runs (percent sell direct and percent thru vendors).
    • Direct Sell Benefits: Remove reliance on vendors, higher income, higher reader loyalty, keep email address and data from sales.
    • Online Store: Shopify, Square, WIX, WooCommerce, PayPal. Crowdfund: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe. Patreon: serialized work best, Royal Road.
    • E-books: Kindle wide allows use of E-book selling thru multiple e-stores. They send a zip file with versions for use in multiple devices (DRM free).
    • Selling-direct needs: shipping label ( or and works together); Label printer; package materials ( Keeps her own warehouse. Or, can use a fulfillment company.
    • Crowdfunding: Raise money from group. No loans, investors, savings needed.
    • Initiator, backers, platform, and platform. Kickstarter benefits reader with obtaining book early pre-release and get hard copy or special editions. May have reward levels. Post Kickstarter purchase software options available. Most popular: Romance, Fantasy, Thriller, Cozy Fantasy.
    • Encouraged: Email lists, newsletter, Goodreads, author website updates for PR.
  13. Adjournment at 3:00.