Members, please review the May minutes for approval during the June meeting.
Northern Virginia Writers Club
May 2024 Meeting Minutes
05/11/2024 1:00 PM
- Call to order – Club Pres. Michelle McBeth
- Roll call
- Names and types of writing (length and genre)
- Onsite: President Michelle McBeth (Science Fiction), Treasurer AJ George (Mystery-Thriller, Horror), Secretary Darius Jones (Horror, Poetry), Member Chair Isabelle Missud (Fantasy), ST: Vee James, James (speculative fiction), Turner Grant (memoir), John Wren (Thrillers, Mystery, Sci-Fi) and partner Lois Wren, Gil Gilbert and Cindy Gilbert (Poetry), Traci Carter (Historical Romance), Drew Richardson (new writer), Deborah Snyder, Craig Lipman (Horror), James Thorne (SciFi), Lori Eaton (Suspense), Julie Bolant Sherry (New book coming out), Bob Scates (Sci-Fi), Maynard Friesz (Children’s), Kay Summers (Suspense, Horror).
- Online: Dave Wessel (Hist. Fiction), Elizabeth Merck (Women’s fiction), Miriam (fiction, poetry), Dennis (fiction, adult and children’s), Nicole Shultz (Speculative Fiction), Vyoma Nupur (nonfiction, short story).
- Guest: Deidra Whitt Lovegren on “Comic Relief.”
- Triumphs and failures
- Turner Grant: First author event at local B&N. Sold some books.
- Darius Jones: Sold Sci-Fi Horror Flash fiction story “Turtles” to Timber Ghost Press. Should appear in March 2025 on their website.
- John Wren: Latest Thriller has scene at Chloe’s Café. Had book signing and great book sales at brunch at Chloe’s Café.
- Dave: First Historical Fiction chapter/articles published in American Fiction Society. American Foreign Service Journal will publish in November.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Moved by A.J. Seconded by Darius.
- Approved by voice vote.
- Officer’s Reports
- President McBeth
- Upcoming meeting topics
- June 15: Audiobooks with Scott Ellis
- July 20: Annual Picnic
- August 17: Nate Brown on “Demystifying the Publishing Industry.”
- State Virtual Gathering of Authors
- May 21, 2024 07:30 p.m.
- Check newsletter or reach out to Chuck Tabb for details.
- Resources page in the works
- We are still working on a Members-only section of website. Thanks to Laurie and Susan for gathering data.
- Golden Nib is open until July 15.
- Guidelines on website
- Vice President McBride
- No report. (not present)
- Treasurer George
- YTD Ending Net Assets: $6,202.23
- Secretary Jones
- No report.
- Upcoming meeting topics
- President McBeth
- Old Business
- Upcoming writing resources/contests.
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- Gaithersburg Writing Festival.
- May 18. Good speakers, workshops, panels.
- Viva Vienna.
- May 25-27. The Club has two tables at the event. Club members will be participating.
- Occoquan
- June 1-2. We are on “Main Street” of event.
- Local Author Festival (Club event).
- June 8 at Purcellville Public Library in Loudoun County, VA. We will have 17 authors from the Club, including six on a panel. Any opportunity to sell and sign your books.
- Open Call: Weird Little Worlds Press: “The Robots Were Right” anthology is open form May 1 – May 31. Send in your Robots stories!
- Gaithersburg Writing Festival.
- Upcoming writing resources/contests
- New Business
- Lori Eaton: We should seek out a better way to communicate about writing groups connected to the Club. Other clubs have way to talk to one another w/o necessarily sharing personal details. One suggestion: Use Discord.
- Michelle: we could set up, but moderation needs to be sorted out.
- Lori: “I would be happy to moderate”…
- Lori/Michelle: Let’s discuss further and sort this out.
- Traci Carter: Still waiting on Club’s Facebook page status resolution…A.J. is trying to look into getting control of it again. This is also preventing us from moving ahead with IG for the Club.
- Resolution: AJ will look into.
- Lori Eaton: We should seek out a better way to communicate about writing groups connected to the Club. Other clubs have way to talk to one another w/o necessarily sharing personal details. One suggestion: Use Discord.
- The Importance of Comic Relief with Deidra Whitt Lovegren.
- Different types of humor:
- Jokes amuse and entertain.
- Irony used to contrast expectations and reality.
- Satire to improve society.
- Horatian – playful. The Simpsons.
- Juvenalian – dark, bitter. Bojack.
- Sarcasm used to hurt, injure.
- Wit: A clever, intellectual form of humor.
- Make sure comic “side characters” have their own character arcs AND have their own sad/somber moments as well.
- Different types of humor:
- Adjournment – Pres. McBeth.
potential edits:
3. Change Hugh Gilbert to Gil Gilbert; add Cindy Gilbert.
All else looks good.